
介紹的很詳細,還有附 java code


public class OtsuThresholder
private int histData[];
private int maxLevelValue;
private int threshold;

public OtsuThresholder()
histData = new int[256];

public int[] getHistData()
return histData;

public int getMaxLevelValue()
return maxLevelValue;

public int getThreshold()
return threshold;

public int doThreshold(byte[] srcData, byte[] monoData)
int ptr;

// Clear histogram data
// Set all values to zero
ptr = 0;
while (ptr < histData.length) histData[ptr++] = 0;

// Calculate histogram and find the level with the max value
// Note: the max level value isn't required by the Otsu method
ptr = 0;
maxLevelValue = 0;
while (ptr < srcData.length)
                        /// read the intensity of each pixel and then record
                        /// occur times in the histogram
int h = 0xFF & srcData[ptr];
histData[h] ++;

                        /// record which value is the most occurrence in histogram
if (histData[h] > maxLevelValue) maxLevelValue = histData[h];
ptr ++;

// Total number of pixels
int total = srcData.length;

float sum = 0;
for (int t=0 ; t<256 ; t++) sum += t * histData[t];

float sumB = 0;
int wB = 0;
int wF = 0;

float varMax = 0;
threshold = 0;

                /// Calculate intensity from 0-255 to find out the maximum 
for (int t=0 ; t<256 ; t++)
wB += histData[t]; // Weight Background
if (wB == 0) continue;

wF = total - wB; // Weight Foreground
if (wF == 0) break;

sumB += (float) (t * histData[t]);

float mB = sumB / wB; // Mean Background
float mF = (sum - sumB) / wF; // Mean Foreground

// Calculate Between Class Variance
float varBetween = (float)wB * (float)wF * (mB - mF) * (mB - mF);

// Check if new maximum found
if (varBetween > varMax) {
varMax = varBetween;
threshold = t;

// Apply threshold to create binary image
if (monoData != null)
ptr = 0;
while (ptr < srcData.length)
monoData[ptr] = ((0xFF & srcData[ptr]) >= threshold) ? (byte) 255 : 0;
ptr ++;

return threshold;

    創作者 figer 的頭像


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